Monday, October 18, 2010

Wisconsin's Ron Johnson Displays Lack of Character Needed for Senate

Wisconsin's Ron Johnson Displays Lack of Character Needed for Senate

I am appalled at the misleading and outright false ads Ron Johnson either endorses or has running on his behalf. Either he is ignorant of the truth or he deliberately is being deceitful.

One of the worst is the one where Sen. Feingold is accused of sending 3,000 jobs to China by voting for the stimulus bill. According to the AP, this never happened because the company that was considering it found out that the stimulus bill requires all stimulus grants be used only to finance projects in the U.S. In fact one of the companies that got a grant to build windmills is Renewegy, which is located in Oshkosh.

Another one is the one trying to scare seniors by claiming Sen. Feingold's vote for health-care reform will take $523 billion out of Medicare. Both and have totally debunked this claim. This figure is the projected savings that health-care reform will realize in the next 10 years. It will do that by removing the excess subsidies from Medicare Advantage programs that provide things like gym memberships.

In addition this bill now also mandates the Inspector General in Health and Human Services cooperate with the FBI in pursuing enforcement of Medicare fraud which is estimated to cost $60 billion a year. So far this year they already have charged 94 people nationwide with submitting $251 million in fraudulent claims, and they still have more than 2,400 open fraud investigations. If even a portion of this fraud is stopped it will save $523 billion in 10 years.

Why anyone would want to vote for anyone who does not support these programs is beyond me and that is why I am supporting Russ Feingold.

Mary Jo Stoelb


If Ron's agenda is so pure and clean why has he displayed such a lack of character and integrity in his attack ads. Ron is just the kind of sleazeball we don't need in Washington. Ron like to portray himself as a self-made business man. You're not self-made if you get a leg up from wealthy friends.Ron is a welfare queen of the good ol boy network.That's fine but at least Ron could have the integrity to admit his success has come by way of lots of help from others and the employees who make his wealth possible. Take away those hourly employees and than see how well Johnson does doing everything himself. WI GOP Senate candidate Ron Johnson owns over $100,000 in BP stock, supports Great Lakes oil drilling

Wisconsin Cannot Afford Another Conservative Like George Bush - One of Ron Johnson's Free Spending heroes

Like Rand Paul here in Kentucky, Wisconsin and indeed America simply cannot afford the radical, heartless, and uncaring agenda offered up by tea-party politicians who care nothing about anything but stripping the government's power to protect the most helpless among us. Ron Johnson is just another in a line of uncaring corporate shills who would walk our country down the road to destruction.

What's the difference between Johnson and the Wall St fat cats that destroyed over $3 trillion dollars of the nation's wealth? Not much. Johnson opposes regulating Wall St so hey our children and grandchildren will be slaves to sleazy financiers. That's not a free market conservative that is just a George Bush from Wisconsin.