Friday, October 15, 2010

Media Buys Sharron Angle a Senate Seat. Isn't That What the Founders Wanted

Sharron Angle brags about her fundraising from "friendly" outlets like Fox News

As journalist Jon Ralston noted, Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle bragged to supporters that her appearances on a "friendly press outlet" like Fox News are profitable. As an example, Angle said that when she made an appeal on "Sean Hannity's television show we made $40,000 before we even got out of the studio in New York."

From a transcript of Angle posted on Ralston's blog (audio here):

    Guest: Sharron, how are you doing as far as the fundraising?

    Sharron Angle: It's going really well. If you're interested in just the Internet part of that -- and of course I've been criticized for saying that I like to be friends with the [press] -- but here's the deal: when I get a friendly press outlet -- not so much the guy that's interviewing me -- it's their audience that I'm trying to reach. So, if I can get on Rush Limbaugh, and I can say, "Harry Reid needs $25 million. I need a million people to send twenty five dollars to" The day I was able to say that [even], he made $236,000 dollars. That's why it's so important. Somebody...I'm going on Bill O'Reilly the 16th. They say, "Bill O'Reilly, you better watch out for that guy, he's not necessarily a friendly"...Doesn't matter, his audience is friendly, and if I can get an opportunity to say that at least once on his show -- when I said it on Sean Hannity's television show we made $40,000 before we even got out of the studio in New York. It was just [great]. So that's what I'm really reaching out to is that audience that's had it with Harry, and you can watch that happen when I go on those shows. Go on my website, it starts coming in. We have an automatic...when you put your name in there and it doesn't tell how much you gave, but it tells your name and where you're from. And so you can just watch it; it just rolls like this. In fact, with Rush Limbaugh we put it all down. We couldn't take the ticker going fast enough. And we've pulled in over [3,000,000] dollars just from that kind of a message going out.

Angle has been fairly consistent in touting Fox News as part of her national fundraising push. On September 10, Angle wrote that she would appear on Fox News' Hannity as "part of our push" to raise $1 million online; she previously told Fox News reporter Carl Cameron that she needed the press to be her "friend" and allow her to give out the address of her website; and in July, Angle suggested that she frequently appeared on Fox News -- the home of softball Angle interviews -- because they allow her to make fundraising appeals to viewers.

Wasn't this Thomas Jefferson and George Washington's dream to have the media directly help a right-wing extremists who wants to force rape victims to give birth to the children of their attackers a Senate seat.

GOP House Candidate Wants To Repeal Pre-Existing Condition Health Care Coverage, All Other Reforms

Last month, a whole host of new health care protections for Americans kicked in as a result of the health care reform bill the President signed earlier this year. These protections included mandating that insurance companies end exclusions based on pre-existing conditions for children, ending unfair recissions, and allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ health care plans until age 26.

Most Republicans, while openly campaigning to repeal this health care law, have said that they support these portions of the law that have already been enacted and will include them in their “replace” health care proposals. For example, the GOP’s Pledge To America promises that the party will “ensure access for patients with pre-existing conditions.”

Yet during a debate with Rep. Jim Marshall (D-GA), GOP congressional candidate Austin Scott staked out a position far to the right of the Pledge To America. At one point, the moderator asked Scott if there were “any provisions of the health care bill passed that” he supports, and that he’d “like to keep.” Scott gave a short reply: “No, ma’am, there are not. There just aren’t“:

Scott is simply a member of the right-wing conservative culture of death. he loves the idea of 45,000 Americans dying every year from lack of health insurance. Yep, Scott is the change America needs.

Bill O’Reilly Says “Muslims Killed Us On 9-11” During Discussion Of NY “Mosque”

Bill O’Reilly was a guest on this morning’s “The View” and things got a little lively. During a discussion of Park 51, O’Reilly said that Obama’s support for the mosque demonstrates the “gulf” between Obama and the American people. When Joy Behar said, “this is America" and "I'm an American," America’s patronizing daddy reprimanded her with “listen to me because you’ll learn.” There was more back and forth about “the mosque” before America’s Catholic daddy said that the location of the "mosque" was inappropriate because “Muslims killed us on 9-11.” Whoppi Goldberg said that this was “bullshit” and cited Timothy McVay’s having been a Christian (he received the "last sacraments" from a Catholic priest before his execution) after which she and Behar walked off the set. As they walked off, O'Reilly "joked" that they were leaving because "Muslims killed us." Barbara Walters chided her co-hosts; but she did assert that “You cannot take a whole religion and demean them because of what some did.” (So I guess it’s cool with Bill if we say that Catholics killed innocent British and Irish civilians and Catholics put the Jews on the trains to Auschwitz! And did Bill refer to anti-abortion domestic terrorist, Eric Rudolph, as a Catholic cuz he was!) After the walk off, however, Bill did assert that he wasn't demeaning all Muslims and admitted that he expressed himself "inartfully." He then used the term "radical" Muslims as a result of having been "schooled" by Ms. Walters. I guess that's progress!

Bill also conveniently forgets to mentions that 60 Muslims were also killed by the 9-11 terrorists and that 4 million American Muslims work and pay their taxes just like every other American. If Bill is trying to win some kind of award for being stupid and intolerant he is on his way. Why does Bill O'Liar hate America and the ideals on which this nation was founded.