Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kentucky's Rand Paul Goes Bonkers After His Sordid Past Revealed

Kentucky's Rand Paul Goes Bonkers After His Sordid Past Revealed

For his part, Conway was not afraid to climb down into the muck and take Paul on. He accused Paul of "joining a group known for mocking Christianity" while the Republican was a student at Baylor University and called on Paul to explain why he once "tied a woman up and asked her to worship a false idol."

The central issue fueling the vitriol between Paul and Conway was the Democrat's tough new ad focusing on tales of Paul's days at Baylor, which he attended for three years before leaving for medical school at Duke University. Paul claimed the ad questioned his Christian faith, which he said deeply offended him.

Several profiles have referred to Paul's membership in an irreverent student society known as the NoZe Brotherhood that was banned from Baylor for, according to school officials, mocking Christianity, a no-no at the Baptist university. A GQ profile last summer exposed some of Paul's shenanigans with the group, including one occasion where he and a friend allegedly led a female student to a creek, tied her up and requested she worship "Aqua Buddha."

Paul claimed the stories were not worthy of voter attention. Run on the issues of the day," he told Conway. "Don't make up stuff about me from college that you think you've read on the Internet blogs. Grow up."

"it wasn't from the Internet blogs," Conway shot back. "It was on CBS News, it's been in Politico, the Lexington Herald-Leader."

Conway refused to say whether or not Paul is a "good Christian," (as one of the debate's moderators put it) but said that the ad was not about Paul's faith.

"Values matter," Conway said. "Why did he freely join a group known for mocking or making fun of people of faith? And secondly, when is it ever a good idea to tie up a woman and ask her to kneel before a false idol called Aqua Buddha?"

The only reason Paul is outraged is because the truth has been revealed not because his past mocking of other people's religion is not relevant. Paul runs for the Senate - flip flops on various issues - ad now suddenly claims he is an ultra conservative Christian and the record of his behavior doesn't matter. All this Paul's new policy positions seem as though they have a very convenient timing. What's Kentucky voting for if they vote for Paul - no one really knows.

Gee, wonder if Paul is related to Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle who has flipped and flopped on the issues so many times no one knows what she stands for -  Sharron Angle Flip-Flops On… Everything? - Angle obviously holds medicare and Social Security in contempt other wise she would steak out a consistent position.

Wisconsin Senate candidate Ron Johnson wants to bring back the same failed Bush policies which caused the recession to the Senate - Businessmen are not solution for Washington
Before the primary election, Ron Johnson stated he had the advantage in the race because he has more money. Translation: "I can buy the Senate seat."

It was largely deregulation in the financial and real estate industry that opened the floodgates for greed to capsize our economy. As a result, hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost countrywide, in large cities and small towns. It was businessmen who created the financial collapse and now we have businessmen, such as Johnson and Reid Ribble, riding on the wave of trepidation and discontent claiming they're more qualified to right the ship. The economy is slowly recovering but they claim because of their business expertise they know how to create jobs and balance the budget.

Equating job creation in private business and job creation in politics is comparing apples to oranges. When you own your own company, you are the boss, the decisionmaker and the one who dictates policy. In politics, you are but one voice in a chamber of policy-makers.

Think for a moment. It was cronies like Johnson who Bush hired to rebuild Iraq and we know how that went.