Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tea Party Conservatives Do Not Have a Race Problem

Arizona ‘birther’ bill forces Obama to show birth certificate

An Arizona lawmaker fears her state is becoming a "laughing stock" after the state House passed a bill that will force President Barack Obama to present his birth certificate before being certified to run for president in the state.

Phoenix Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema said the bill passed Monday is among a handful of legislative items that are making Arizona "the laughing stock of the nation."

While the bill does not target President Obama by name, requiring all presidential candidates to show proof of US birth, its intention is clear. "The legislation originated from a fringe group that believes President Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and therefore ineligible to be president," reports the Arizona Republic.

The law allows the secretary of state to keep a candidate from registering to run if he or she has "reasonable cause" to believe the candidate doesn't meet the necessary requirements, the Los Angeles Times reports.

"Republicans continue to take Arizona down the wrong track by wasting taxpayers' time on frivolous legislation instead of working on important issues like health care for kids and seniors and education," Sinema said, as quoted at the Republic.
George W. Bush who avoided Vietnam by dodging into the National Guard and than apparently going AWOL has never produced proof that he served out his enlistment. One standard for white conservatives, another standard for Democrats.

Tea Party speaker gay-baits Lindsey Graham
Really, only a gay person (or maybe a Muslim) would be enough of a deviant to disagree with these folks, right?

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has had an uneasy relationship with his party's purists for years. Even in his own home base of South Carolina, the right wing has long thought of Graham as a squish on an array of crucial issues, including campaign finance, immigration and environmental regulation.

There's also, however, always been a nastier undercurrent. For years, unsubstantiated but persistent rumors have swirled about the sexuality of the unmarried Graham. What's unsettling is how some on the right seem eager to connect one complaint about Graham to the other.

At a Tea Party rally in Greenville, S.C., last week, a speaker tried to figure out just what, exactly, is wrong with Graham. "Barney Frank has been more honest and brave than you. At least we know about Barney Frank, nobody’s going to hold it over his head."

He continued, "Look, I’m a tolerant person. I don’t care about your private life, Lindsey. But as our U.S. senator, I need to figure out why you’re trying to sell out your own countrymen, I need to make sure you being gay isn’t it." (Video is at bottom.)

What's interesting here is the thought obviously running through the speaker's head: that something about the personal features of a politician like Barney Frank or Lindsey Graham explains their otherwise disagreeable behavior. The argument isn't that Frank and, supposedly, Graham, are horrible liberal traitors, and gay to boot. It’s that they are, or might be, horrible liberal traitors because they're gay.
When they're not being sneaky racists they're being bizarro world eliminationists. One of the defining characteristic of fascism is eliminationism - the elimination of "those" - "them" - who are different than so called normal people.

Tea Part Conservatives hear voices in their tiny brains -

3. James Von Brunn: The 88-year old shot and killed an African-American guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC last June. Von Brunn, who recently died in prison, had long moved in neo-Nazi circles, and in 1981 he tried to hold hostage an employee of the Federal Reserve at gunpoint. In recent writings he had expressed support for Birtherism, and had praised Sarah Palin.

7. John Gimbel: This California man was charged in October after sending a racist, profanity-filled email that called for the death of President Obama and for the words "Fed shit" to be written on his chest. The email, which can be read here, called for the murders of Michelle Obama and the couple's two children "in front of" the president.
Tea Party Darling Running For NY Governor In Hot Water For Forwarding Racist, Sexually Explicit E-mails

Much like the years 2000 - 2008 conservatives live in denial of their hateful anti-America behavior.