Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Please Vote Conservative. They're Never Deceptive or Have Conflicts of Interests

Republican Pervert Dick Morris uses Fox News cred to shill for Newsmax financial schemes
Over the past year, Dick Morris has repeatedly used anti-Obama rhetoric and stoked fears about the economy on Fox News, in his latest book, and in videos for the right-wing website Newsmax. Newsmax has used those videos to the promote financial-services products it sells, which the website has pushed by playing on similar anti-Obama fears. Morris has been paid by Newsmax to use his email list to plug such products; he builds his email list through his website, which he often promotes on Fox News.

In this report:

* Newsmax drives sales of its financial products by using anti-Obama rhetoric and stoking fear of hyperinflation.
* Newsmax has paid Morris to use his email list to promote those products.
* Through his email list and in appearances on Newsmax webcasts, Morris has explicitly endorsed Newsmax's financial-services products.
* Morris builds his email list through his website, which is frequently promoted during his Fox News appearances.
* In his Newsmax appearances, on Fox, and in his latest book, Morris has echoed the anti-Obama rhetoric and predictions of hyperinflation Newsmax uses to promote its products.
* Morris has repeatedly used his Fox platform to shill for groups he is affiliated with.

Newsmax uses anti-Obama rhetoric to drive sales of its financial products

As Media Matters for America has detailed, since President Obama's inauguration, right-wing website Newsmax has repeatedly used anti-Obama rhetoric and stoked fear of hyperinflation to drive sales of the financial-services products it offers...
A Conservative web site teamed up with a Republican engaged in shady business practices - yet again. Please America vote more Republicans into office because this country is not nearly as corrupt and hypocritical as it could be.