Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We Looked, but Could Not Find a Republican With a Conscience

Bush former Chief of Staff Karl Rove hypocrisy: Doesn't "understand" why Obama was "off the stage" for four days after attempted attack

On Hannity, Karl Rove attacked President Obama for waiting four days before publicly commenting on Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's alleged attempt to set off a bomb on a Northwest Airlines flight, commenting, "I don't understand why keeping the president off the stage and then not having him explain it for four days is supposed to reassure us." But in 2001, when Rove himself was serving in the White House, President Bush was "off the stage" for six days before responding to Richard Reid's attempt to detonate a shoe bomb on a trans-Atlantic flight.
And as we all know when Bush did speak is was the usual garbled boiler plate garbage. Always ending with the message that America should live in constant fear. Perhaps a left over mentality from the twenty years Bush spent as an alcoholic that lived off the of sugar daddie investors in his failed companies that were friends of his father.

Modern conservatives believe everyone should do what they want - destroy the oceans, forests, the educational system, destroy the middle-class - because hey we're all gonna die anyway. Some people would call that the ultimate in nihilism, Republicans Now the Party of Armageddon

Challenges To Constitutionality Of Health Reform Funded By Health Industry Money
An analysis conducted by the Wonk Room of available campaign finance disclosures for AGs from South Carolina, Washington, Michigan, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Utah and Idaho reveals that the health industry contributed heavily to their campaigns. For instance, Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett (who is also running for Governor) accepted some $24,300 from the health care industry for his campaigns, including $10,300 from Pfizer PAC, $3,500 from Aetna Inc. PAC, and $2,500 from United Health Group Inc.

Health-care reform - just like Medicare and Veterans health-care is perfectly Constitutional. See here and here.