Monday, January 25, 2010

Republicans Modern Masters of Smears and Propaganda

ACORN Still Smeared With “Voter Fraud” In Fox Article
If you read the article, the last line sticks out like a sore thumb. It's like an article about Coca-Cola's, say, quarterly earnings, concluding with, “And by the way, drinking too much Coke causes cavities.” Overkill, anyone? But then again, on Fox, it seems no article is complete without a subtle or not-so-subtle swipe at the left, at President Obama, or at ACORN. However, as reported by the Drudge Report in December 2009, “The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) did not commit voter fraud, and it didn't misuse federal funding in the last five years, according to a recently released report prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a nonpartisan investigational arm of Congress.”
Imagine if NBC, CBS or CNN had their hosts - whether reporters or pundits - promote the ACLU, the Democratic Party or any number of labor unions - Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion. Fox actively promotes a movement that believes President Obama is the new Hitler and urban myths about death panels and other assorted nonsense that no sane person would take seriously.