Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Conservatives Endanger America with Extremist and False Pandering

Patriotic American Demand the Republican Comrades in the Conservative Noise Machine Apologize for Their false and Inflammatory Statements Statements Which Threaten Our National Security.

Since White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan's February 7 appearance on Meet the Press, in which he criticized Republicans for politicizing the Obama administration's response to the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight, Fox & Friends has repeatedly hosted only conservatives and opponents of the Obama administration to discuss Brennan's remarks and the administration's response to the plot. Moreover -- following a trend set by Fox News since the Christmas Day bombing attempt -- Fox & Friends has hosted these guests, most of whom have a history of making false or outrageous statements about American foreign policy or terrorism, undermining their credibility to discuss those topics.

West criticized Obama administration's handling of Christmas Day bombing attempt. On February 8, Fox & Friends hosted Lt. Col. Allen West, a Republican congressional candidate in Florida, to discuss Brennan's Meet the Press appearance and the Obama administration's handling of Northwest Airlines bombing suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. During the segment, West said, "When I look at what's going on right now with the Nigerian terrorist, it's almost like a Greek tragedy of epic proportion." West further stated that the Obama administration has "established a very dangerous paradigm with this Mirandizing" of terror suspects, "because now they're going to continue to come with more and more attacks, because we're -- they're coming here, and we're giving them lawyers."

West reportedly resigned from Army "after pleading guilty to assaulting an Iraqi detainee during interrogation." According to a December 13, 2003, CNN.com report, West admitted that he "threatened to kill" an Iraqi detainee in his custody, that he watched as "four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body," and that, according to military prosecutors, he "followed up on that threat" to kill the detainee by shooting a pistol near his head. A December 14, 2003, Boston Globe article further noted that a "disciplinary proceeding found that the actions by ... West were serious enough to 'merit a court-martial.' "
Fox & Friends hosted Dana Perino, who has advanced false claims about national security in attacking Obama administration

Perino advanced several dubious claims on Fox & Friends, including that Abdulmutallab "bought a one-way ticket" and that "there wasn't a system in place" for the military to hold Richard Reid. On the February 8 edition of Fox & Friends, Fox News contributor and former Bush press secretary Dana Perino criticized the Obama administration for missing "all these red flags," claiming that Abdulmutallab "bought a one-way ticket" to the United States. However, Obama administration officials have stated that Abdulmutallab flew to Detroit on a roundtrip ticket. Further, Perino attempted to rebut the Obama administration's comparison of its use of civilian trials for alleged terrorists with the Bush administration's similar treatment of shoe bomber Richard Reid by falsely suggesting that "there wasn't a system in place" for Bush to order Reid to be held by the military. In fact, such a system was in place by the time Reid pleaded guilty, as many suspects were placed in military detention before that date.

Perino: "We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term." On the November 24, 2009, edition of Fox News' Hannity, Perino falsely claimed that "[w]e did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term."
Fox & Friends hosted Michael Goodwin, who has falsely claimed Bush had "a record of zero successful attacks on America after 9/11"

Goodwin criticized Obama administration's handling of Abdulmutallab. Discussing Brennan's remarks on the February 8 edition of Fox & Friends, New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin claimed that the administration "leaked" details of Abdulmutallab's interrogation "clearly for political reasons." He further stated that "the whole thing seems like a giant mess now, and it all goes back to the White House's decision to fight the War on Terror as though it's a criminal justice matter."

Goodwin has claimed that Bush had "a record of zero successful attacks on America after 9/11." In a January 6 New York Post column, Goodwin advanced the false claim that Bush had "a record of zero successful attacks on America after 9/11." In fact, as Media Matters for America has noted, numerous terrorist attacks took place under Bush after 9-11.
These unhinged and corrupt Republicans spokespersons, apparently drunk on their own egotism are portraying America as weak and unable to handle threats to our way of life. Fox, West, Dana Perino, and Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) are encouraging radical terrorists to keep up their activities, by portraying America as a weak country. Write Fox and Hoestra to day and tell them to stop hating America or at least keep their dangerous and false accusations to themselves.