Friday, February 19, 2010

Conservatism in 2010, The Nuts Grow on The Republican Tree of Anti-America Hate

On House GOP Website, Republican Leadership Takes Credit For Obama's Successful Stimulus Project. Conservatives went on a deregulation bender for forty years and caused the Great Recession. Then complained on every network and op-ed page in the conuntry about Obama's attempts to repair the damge they caused. Now they try to take credit for every job created by a stimulus bill most of them voted against. In other words integrity is not a Republican value.

Recently elected right-wing Republican Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) seems to be suffering from the same lack of insight, knowledge and honor that plaques the conservative movement. In other words it fits right in with the Republican party. Scott Brown Shrugs Off Domestic Terrorist Joseph Stack As Just Another Disgruntled Taxpayer

Republicans have to keep reinventing themselves because every Republican President from Nixon to Reagan to George W. Bush has left the country worse than they found it, The Sheer Brilliance of the ‘Mount Vernon Statement’

As we all know conservatives get on their knees four times a day and chant the mantra - the media is liberal, the media is liberal. If that is true how come we have enough over paid, lazy, crazy bed wetting conservatives in the media to form a brigade - one they could be out fighting all the new wars they'd like to start, WaPo adds Thiessen to its op-ed line-up despite his history of false, dubious, and outrageous claims

In light of The Washington Post's decision to hire former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen as a weekly columnist, Media Matters for America has documented several false, dubious, or outrageous claims Thiessen has made about national security and terrorism. In addition, Thiessen has repeatedly baselessly attacked the Obama administration over its handling of national security and terrorism.

Thiessen announced his "New Weekly Column for the Washington Post." On February 12, Thiessen announced in a National Review Online post that "[t]he Washington Post has asked me to write a new weekly online column."
But Thiessen has a history of false, dubious, or outrageous claims about national security and terrorism

Thiessen dubiously claimed that the use of harsh interrogation techniques on KSM thwarted attack in Los Angeles. Thiessen claimed on April 17, 2009, that the use of harsh interrogation techniques -- including waterboarding -- on Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM) "stopped an attack on the Library Tower in Los Angeles." Thiessen repeated these claims in an April 21, 2009, Washington Post op-ed. But that claim conflicts with the chronology of events put forth on multiple occasions by the Bush administration, as's Timothy Noah has noted. Indeed, the Bush administration said that the Library Tower attack was thwarted in February 2002 -- more than a year before Mohammed was captured in March 2003.

Thiessen falsely claimed that there were no domestic terror attacks under Bush after 9-11. In a January 22, 2009, Washington Post op-ed, Thiessen falsely claimed, "When President Bush left office on Tuesday, America marked 2,688 days without a terrorist attack on its soil." In fact, as Media Matters has noted, several domestic attacks took place under Bush after 9-11.

Thiessen falsely equated waterboarding of detainees with U.S. military training. On the January 20 edition of CNN's Amanpour, Thiessen stated: "We -- we waterboarded in the CIA -- the CIA waterboarded three terrorists, just three. ... You know who else the U.S. government has waterboarded? Tens of thousands of American servicemembers during their [Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape] training." However, the Bush administration Department of Justice and Senate Armed Services Committee agree that the two are not comparable, as those who undergo certain interrogation techniques in such training programs are aware that there are safeguards and know they can stop the training immediately if necessary.
Why do Republicans lie so often and with such manufactured outrage. One of the reasons is if they were forced to tell the truth they cannot win any debates over public policy. The facts and morality are on the side of moderate patriotic American, not the right-wing neo-fascists, the pretend patriots that call themselves Republicans. There used to be good Republicans, but you have to get in a time machine and go back to the 1950s to find one.