Monday, December 14, 2009

Conservatives Embrace Soft-fascism

Its is not outright Nazism since they do not have the legal grounds or moral standing to carry out their plan, but some conservatives continue to flirt with soft-fascism - BREAKING: Glenn Beck's climate czar called for quarantining AIDS patients "for life"

Media Matters Action Network, our partner organization, has unearthed a 1987 American Spectator article (available here) in which Lord Christopher Monckton -- one of the right's favorite global warming deniers -- advocates requiring the entire population to undergo monthly HIV tests and forcibly quarantining "for life" those who test positive.
Beck and Monckton need to do a few things - read some history, develop some genuine values and respect the right's of Americans and humanity in general.

W we made it mandatory for conservatives to meet some minimum intellectual standard before they could hold office, idiots like Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) could not be elected to office. America and Oklahoma deserve better, Fox’s ‘Fair And Balanced’ Debate: ‘Does Climate Change Exist?’

The debate pitted prominent global warming denier, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), against the author of climate change legislation in the House, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA). When Wallace pressed Inhofe to confront the fact that the last decade has been the hottest in recorded history, Inhofe — true to form — denied the reality..