Thursday, December 31, 2009

Conservatives are Hysterical and Think Brave Americas Should be Too

Craving terrorist melodrama - By Glenn Greenwald
Scampering back to Washington -- "hotfooted" or otherwise -- would have been the worst possible thing that Obama could have done. It would have created a climate of frenzy and panic and thus helped to terrorize the country even more -- which, one might want to recall, is the goal, by definition, of Terrorists. The fact that Obama doesn't hysterically run around like some sort of frightened chicken with his head cut off every time Al Qaeda sneezes -- or swagger to the nearest camera to beat his chest and play the role of protective daddy-cowboy -- is one of the things I like best about him. As for Armao's "point" about how Janet Napolitano probably took it easy because the "boss was away" -- and her belief that Terrorists will strike more on holidays if Obama isn't affixed to his chair in the Oval Office, as though he's the Supreme Airport Screener...

Chickenhawks Coulter, Breitbart and Bolling Strut Their National Security Mojo By Calling For Racial Profiling And Showing How Much They Hate Their Fellow Citizens

In a segment titled, “Terror and Politics,” Bolling began by asking the laughable question, “Are some politicizing this attack?” Then he and the rest of the panel spent the next 15 minutes or so doing exactly that. Of course, there was no Democrat to offer another opinion.

Bolling, whose specialty is business, set the tone early by saying, “Can’t we all just get along? Gets people killed, does it not?”

Two-time voter fraud suspect Coulter is hardly a poster child for what I like to think of as American values. And, like everyone else on the panel. She has never served in the military and has no national security credentials. Wearing more eye makeup than ever, she predictably wasted no time blaming the Obama administration for the Christmas attack. She said it’s “not a surprise that we’ve already had in his first year in office three terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.” Coulter acknowledged that there were “a bunch of them” right after 9/11 under Bush, “but then it was pretty quiet on American soil for the next years, certainly when we invaded Iraq. It wasn’t just a talking point to say we want to fight them there rather than here.

News flash for “Boombox” Coulter: We’re still fighting them over there so why are they here? Because we’re not racially profiling? You might think so, based on the rest of the segment.

Andrew “I’m going to blackmail the Obama administration” Breitbart said, “It’s a selective, politically expedient brand of political correctness where only Americans and red state Americans are looked upon, to be looked upon suspiciously.” Breitbart went on to accuse Obama and the “ left” of doing “everything… in terms of trying to keep America not safe from radical Islam and radical jihad.” So what are Breitbart's credentials? He's, basically, a political blogger.
Coulter and Breitbart's problem seems to be a highly sensitive personal phobia. One that has to do with things that make them dive under their beds cowering in fair, like a heightened fair of bugs or heights. Coulter should be grateful that thanks to friends with power she is not serving jail time for voter fraud. Beitbart has recently been found to be complicit in a criminal conspiracy to doctor video tapes to make it seem as though a group called ACORN that works to advocate and help the poor, had committed a crime. Certainly both of them are unqualified chickenhawks who said nothing in 2001 when we had 9-11 a month after Bush recieved a warning Al-Queda might attack.