Friday, April 30, 2010

Vote Republican. They're More Fun.

Even back in Thomas Jefferson's day he realized the press was not perfect, but also knew a free press was an essential element to an open democracy - a right guaranteed in the 1st Amendment. Srah Palin as severely restricted the press from access to her speaking events. So much for transparency in the Palin world view. Now she has decided that since the press is complaining she'll let some of them in, but they have to pay money to one of her causes - Journalists Must Donate To Anti-Choice Organization In Order To Cover Palin’s Speech

But in order to cover Palin’s speech, the Austin-American Statesman reports that journalists will have to make a contribution to Heroic Media:

Restrictions: Heroic Media will try to prohibit video and audio recordings of Palin’s appearance, and news organizations wishing to cover her speech must buy a ticket, the proceeds of which will go to Heroic Media.

Denying media access has become Palin’s standard operating procedure. After the debacle that was her interview with CBS’ Katie Couric during the 2008 presidential campaign, Palin made sure she wouldn’t step into any embarrassing interviews — often demanding that reporters submit their questions “ahead of time” to guarantee a one-on-one. And as a private citizen, the former Alaska governor requires that any questions asked at her speaking engagements be pre-screened. Just last week at an event in Eugene, OR, media were “not…allowed to ask her questions and take still pictures… [or] videotape or record it in anyway.”
So Palin's idea of patriotism and democracy is right out of the fascist-lite playbook.

Maybe Fox and Sean Hannity - members of the lame-stream-media - need to brush up on their reading comprehension skills, Sean Hannity Misrepresents Arizona Immigration Law While Wrongly Accusing Obama Of Misrepresenting The Law

GOPer Ken Blackwell Talks 'Obama's Power Grab' -- And Jon Stewart Tears Him Down (VIDEO)

Over the course of the three-part interview, Blackwell tried to make claims about President Obama's "power grab," but Stewart wasn't having any of it. He told Blackwell that his claims weren't backed up by, "I guess you'd call them facts," and even burst out laughing when Blackwell tried to say that George W. Bush didn't expand executive power, but Obama has.

Yes America it is time to shift course. To put the nation in reverse according to zealots like Ken.