Thursday, April 8, 2010

Define Republican Dissent: Threatening to Kill People Over Dish Detergent and the Census

It is imagine day. Imagine an anti-Bush or anti-Regan pundit on a major network has threatened to start killing during those presidencies. Considering how both those presidents treated dissent - with police and the national guard it is not hard to imagine the pundit would at least been fired immediately. CNN's Erickson suggested he'd pull a "gun" on the "government" last year, too

CNN contributor Erick Erickson has come under widespread criticism for his remark last week that he would "[p]ull out my wife's shotgun" if the government tries to arrest him for not filling out the American Community Survey. It wasn't the first time that Erickson has suggested he would respond to potential problems with the government by pulling out a firearm.

In March 2009, Erickson wrote an angry post about legislation banning "dishwasher detergent made with phosphates" in Washington state. Erickson asked: "At what point do the people tell the politicians to go to hell? At what point do they get off the couch, march down to their state legislator's house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp for being an idiot?"
Right-wing fascist-lite zealots like Erickson have called President Obama everything from the anti-Christ to the reincarnation of Mao. Yet Erickson is not in jail, has not been fired and still receives a six figure salary. Poor Erick has had to suffer some criticism from more moderate and sane Americans.

The tea baggers - simply another rebranding of loony right-wing conservatism - has said that President Obama is a tyrant. That is kind of funny. They call him that at rallies held around the country. Unlike the ultra conservative Nixon administration where protesters were beat up, jailed or shot, What Would Nixon Do