Wednesday, May 5, 2010

One Nation Under God ? No, Under Glenn Beck and Comrades

One Nation Under Beck

The rest of the lecture hewed closely to NCCS's Skousen-penned workbook, The Making of America (pdf)—several of the teenagers in attendance had clearly spent time memorizing it—which stresses God's role in the shaping of America. Not only were the founders seeking to create a Christian nation, according to Dalton, but the Constitution's principles stem from ideas handed down to Moses himself—making it de facto a divine work passed on to the founders by a divine people, their Anglo-Saxon ancestors. (Dalton maintained that the people who settled England and northern Europe may have descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel—a piece of historical poppycock that has long held traction in the white supremacist movement.)

Racially tinged material has gotten NCCS into trouble in the past. In 1986, the state of California's Constitution Bicentennial Commission—headed by a Skousen acolyte—approved the sale of the Making of America textbook as a fundraiser. In the book, Skousen quotes liberally from a 1934 essay by Fred Albert Shannon, who had a rosy view of slavery. (Sample passage: "If the pickaninnies ran naked, it was generally from choice, and when the white boys had to put on shoes and go away to school, they were likely to envy the freedom of their colored playmates.")
The battered, screwy and just plain made up history America hears from Glenn Beck and many conservative talking heads is a mainstay of conservatism. Only by rewriting history to conform to their bizarre beliefs can they convince the gullible and ignorant to follow them like good little sheeple.

Fox tries to cover up its failure to challenge former Republican FEMA director Michael Brown's conspiracy theories. Even as the news happens the fascist-lite crowd at Fox and other right-wing media outlets are busy twisting the truth to suit their agenda. Any movement that is afraid of the truth always has a radical agenda to hide.

Say it isn't so - a the usual Neo-Nazis pundits caught spreading another lie - RightPundits, Limbaugh, Gateway Pundits - Liars All. Faisal Shahzad Not A Democrat and the original story here.