Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fairly Unbalanced Fox Promotes Texas School Board Nuts Revisonist History

Steve Doocy And Texas Board Of Education Right Winger, Cynthia Dunbar, Advance “Textbook” Propaganda!

Republican Cynthia Dunbar represents the extreme views of the conservatives on the Texas Board of Education. Her contention that liberals have unduly influenced the curriculum is a Texas sized cow chip because last year’s changes to the Texas science curriculum were done as a result of the conservatives who control the Board of Education. The National Center for Science Education deemed them a “setback for science education.” She homeschooled her children because she believes that education is “tyrannical” and “unconstitutional” and "a subtly deceptive tool of perversion." On the other hand, she believes that government should be guided by a “biblical litmus test.” She believes that Obama sympathizes with terrorists. She also doesn’t believe that the Founders wanted the separation of church and state. One of the new changes, approved by Dunbar and her Christian conservatives (not noted by Doocy) is to “question whether the Founders sought a separation of church and state.” Ergo, students will be taught that the government can show preference for one religion over the other. (That neither the Constitution nor the Federalist papers mentioned God is lost on these Texas Christians!) As noted by Brian Thevenot, of the Texas Tribune, Friday’s Texas School Board vote is a “hijacking of history.” The overwhelming reaction, by the non Texas reality based community (read educators – not creationist theocrats) has been swift and sharp. As noted by the NY Times (not mentioned by Doocy) one of the approved amendments says “that students should study “the unintended consequences” of the Great Society legislation, affirmative action and Title IX legislation.” Joe McCarthy has been rehabilitated and the Bible will be part of the hisotry curriculum. And let’s talk “white wash” – literally – of history. Texas has a large Hispanic population; but references to Hispanics are now being kept at a minimum. There will be no teaching about Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America, because Dunbar’s pals say she is a socialist. Jeff Schneider has written an excellent debunking of the whole thing here.

In the never ending quest to find a Conservative with actual values, well sorry but today is another disappointment. In new "social justice" smear, Beck attacks mother of uninsured woman who died