A guide to Andrew Breitbart's lies, smears, and distortions
Following the dissolution of Andrew Breitbart's smear of former Obama administration official Shirley Sherrod, Media Matters provides an updated look at how his sensationalist stories have been based on speculation, gross distortions, and outright falsehoods.
The "video evidence" of Shirley Sherrod's "racism" (NEW)
"Nationwide ACORN child prostitution investigation" (UPDATED)
Platform for anti-gay Jennings smears
Breitbart-promoted O'Keefe Census tape features selective editing (NEW)
Breitbart-promoted video falsely accuses Democrats of reconciliation hypocrisy (NEW)
Wild accusations over Gladney case
Breitbart's websites make baseless claim that NEA engaged in lawbreaking
Bertha Lewis' nonexistent White House visit
The Maoist Christmas tree ornaments
The ACORN "document dump"
False claims of community organizers "praying" to Obama
Yet with a history of being the Joseph Goebbels-lite of rightwing Republican propaganda, ABC news has asked Breitbart to do election night commentary. That is America's corporate conservative media at work.
Cornyn Refuses To Denounce Vitter’s Race-Baiting Anti-Immigrant Campaign Ad
This month, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) began airing a race-baiting anti-immigrant campaign ad that the local Hispanic Chamber of Commerce found to be “totally abhorrent and shocking.” The ad targets the immigration stance of Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-LA), Vitter’s opponent: the narrator says “Thanks to him, we may as well put out a welcome sign for illegal aliens,” as footage of dirty, goofy-looking Latino men slipping through a hole in a fence displaying a neon welcome sign runs across the screen. The men step into a limo with a giant government check they defiantly hang out the window as they zoom away. “I’m going to use the ‘R’ word and say racist,” said the spokeswoman for the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “We are saying you owe us an apology, we are offended, we expect an immediate apology and we expect this ad to be yanked from the airwaves immediately,” she continued.
Vitter seems to have some odd values. He has been found to frequent pricey prostitutes and yet claims he has family values. No one in the family values Republican party has insisted he resign. The priority of Republicans is clear, They believe in racism and betraying family. When will America tire of conservatives being two faced lying zealots who are obsessed with power.