Thursday, August 19, 2010

It Was, It is and Always Will Be The Bush Recession - A Generation Long Tragedy

DeMint Tries To Rewrite History: ‘This Was Not Bush’s Recession’

During a lengthy speech on the Senate floor yesterday about his opposition to the confirmation of Elana Kagan to the Supreme Court, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) went on a tangent, claiming the ongoing economic downturn “was not Bush’s recession” but was a “result of Democrat economic polices”.

...Even the staunchly conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board understood it was Bush’s recession, writing in early 2009 that Bush’s comment that “Wall Street got drunk and we got a hangover,” “reveals how little the President comprehends about the source of his Administration’s economic undoing. To extend his metaphor, Who does Mr. Bush think was serving the liquor?” Even if one ignores everything after 2006, Bush still had the worst record of job creation in 40 years.

Moreover, the economy only began to recover after President Obama and the Democratic Congress passed the stimulus package in early 2009. Since then, the GDP has grown, the financial sector has recovered, and — while the overall employment situation is still bleak — private sector job growth has rebounded..
After the worse presidency in history - in which Congressional Republicans acted in unquestioning lock step
with Bush ( many of them like John Boehner(R-OH) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) conservatives are now ruuning in the mid-term elections on a platform of returing to the same economic policies that were largey responsible for the worse economic crash since the Great Depression.

Are Americans Forgetting The Recession Began Under Bush, Not Obama

Fact: The federal government had a budget surplus under the Clinton administration.

Fact: When George W. Bush left office, the budget had a deficit of over $400 billion.

Fact: The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy combined with the recession are the reasons why the deficit has reached over $1.5 trillion roday. (Brookings Institute)

Fact: In the run-up to the Iraq war, the Bush administration insisted that the total cost of the war would be $100 to $200 billion of taxpayer money. So far, over $1 trillion have been spent and the total tab will be $3 trillion by the time the war is over — if it’s ever, over. ( and Washington Post).

Fact: Under the Bush administration the country shed jobs. When Bush took office, the unemployment rate was 4.7 percent, when he left it rose to 5.8 percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Do I need to go on?

The GOP’s playbook also consists of rallying up people against Obama’s federal spending. Fear-mongering has always worked for the right-wing and as long as they keep saying that the Obama’s stimulus package and his healthcare reform will bankrupt the country, they will surely get votes.

When it comes to healthcare reform, the GOP’s lies and funny math need to be exposed. In fact, healthcare reform will save the country money, help reduce the deficit, and boost jobs. (LA Times)
Bush's chief propagandist Karl Rove once said the public has a short term memory. A phenomenon that serves right-wing nuts, that call themselves Republicans, very well.

Bush Speechwriters Back Obama on Mosque. Strange times when defending the rights guaranteed by the 1st amendment is controversial.