Friday, July 2, 2010

Should Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) be Impeached for Mental Incapacity

Should Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) be Impeached for Mental Incapacity

When defending her highly criticized immigration law, Gov. Jan Brewer (R) often lists the myriad problems she says undocumented immigrants bring to her state. In an interview  on Fox News last week, for example, she claimed: "We cannot afford all this illegal immigration and everything that comes with it, everything from the crime and to the drugs and the kidnappings and the extortion and the beheadings ..."

There's no better way, it seems, to make the case for strict anti-immigration laws than to claim that undocumented immigrants are pouring into the country to decapitate innocent Americans.

Brewer nonetheless stuck by the claim that undocumented immigrants are murdering Arizonans when asked about it last weekend on a local Arizona political show.

"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded," she said.

The anchor notes that he couldn't find "any beheadings in any kind of news search."
Should someone who is a pathological liar who has visions of headless bodies which do not exists be governor. Or any other position of responsibility. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to see Brewer in a home under supervised medical care.

Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) skips unemployment extension vote for country club fundraiser, even as unemployment sits at 13.6%. Which is Pete's usual behavior, looking out for the elite corporate types which he depends on for money and having a scr*w you attitude toward the unemployed. Unemployed because of the economic policies he supported.

Fox confuses "bailout" with "stimulus" and declares the stimulus "didn't work"

Fox News repeatedly attacked President Obama's recent town hall remarks on the stimulus by falsely referring to it as the "bailout" and claiming that it "didn't work." In fact, the "bailout" was first enacted under the Bush administration, and the stimulus has been estimated by both the White House and independent analysts to have increased employment by about 2 million jobs relative to a baseline estimate of what jobs levels would have been without the stimulus.

Fox, America's number one network for right-wing propaganda.