Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dr. Rand Paul: Not board-certified, but self-certified

Dr. Rand Paul: Not board-certified, but self-certified
Libertarian ideology rejects most of the modern regulatory systems that protect consumers, because everyone should be responsible for determining whether the hamburger contains E. coli on his own. But does that do-it-yourself dogma apply to the regulation of medicine, too? If you're Dr. Rand Paul, practicing ophthalmologist, the answer is emphatically yes.

According to an amusing story in today's Louisville Courier-Journal, the Kentucky Republican Senate candidate bills himself as a "board-certified" physician even though he is not actually certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology -- the only recognized body that certifies doctors in his specialty.

Another great thing about "Dr." Paul is he can also repair your shoes, wire your house, perform brain surgery and install your plumbing because he once read a book on all that stuff and has certified himself as an expert.

Bill O'Reilly is a right-wing fanatic, a pathological liar and a pervert. To Bill and his fans all of that is just fine because supposedly he is a patriot. The rabid right apparently defines patriotism a little different than normal Americans. O'Reilly mischaracterized Pelosi interview to portray her as out of touch
Bill O'Reilly cropped an interview with Nancy Pelosi to falsely claim that she said she "hasn't heard the Democrats blaming Bush" for the Gulf oil spill, comments O'Reilly suggested showed Pelosi as out of touch or dishonest. In fact, Pelosi said that she hadn't heard the "critique" that that "Democrats keep blaming the Bush administration."

Pelosi actually said she had not heard the "critique" that Democrats are putting too much blame on Bush

Pelosi said she hadn't heard "critique" that Dems blame Bush too often. Pelosi was actually responding to Todd's question during the June 11 edition of MSNBC's The Daily Rundown (accessed via the Nexis database) asking: "At what point do you think the public says, you know what, yes, we were unhappy with the Bush administration. That's why you're speaker of the House, that's why Barack Obama is president of the United States. So stop blaming the Bush administration." Todd then asked, "When you hear this critique: 'Why do Democrats keep blaming the Bush administration?' " Pelosi responded: "I haven't heard that."

Pelosi went on to highlight problems Obama "inherited." Seconds later in the interview, Pelosi commented (via Nexis): "And here's what the president inherited. He inherited a deficit when this president inherited from the Clinton administration four budgets that were either in surplus or in balance, and he turned it into a massive deficit. He brought us to the brink of a financial crisis. He brought us to the brink of deep recession, ignoring issues that relate to climate change."
How sad that being a shiftless lying pundit makes O'Reilly a millionaire. It also says something about the IQ of his average fan.